Explore Halls Of Fabrication With New Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Trailer

Last two week, ZeniMax Studio has been able to welcome their first extension to the MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online called Morrowind.


Back to Vvardenfell

After more than sixteen years, veterans and newbies last week made their first footsteps on Vvardenfell Island in The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind. The expansion or ZeniMax’s own title ‘chapter’ now also introduces players to Battlegrounds for the first time. A competitive mode to win three teams of 4-players to win.

For the story lovers, we received a lot of new quests and veterans with a lot of nostalgia. Players will also be faced with the new character class the Warden for the first time. What kind of magic is used to support friends, clap or catch damage to enemies.

Halls of Fabrication

We also had to meet the new end game content Halls of Fabrication. This new raid either “trial” puts twelve players on the test against the hardest bosses in the game. Teamwork and coordination is therefore a must you want to spend your time on this type of activity.

Here’s a video of the latest ESO LIVE episode where Zenimax takes you on a tour of the Halls of Fabrication. For more news about The Elder Scrolls Online and the Bethesda E3 presentation, you’ll be well at www.eso-gold.com over the coming weeks.