Modification Madness

As the release date for Star Wars: The Old Republic nears, most systems have been revealed and discussed. There yet remains, however, one feature that has yet to be fleshed out: The item modification system. In today’s article, Community Manager Mike Bitton takes a look at what is known about item modification. See what Mike has discovered and then let us know what you think in the comments.

As early as this summer, BioWare got a bit more specific, using the example of a Tusken Raider outfit to illustrate the versatility of the system. Using the item modification system, players would basically be able to keep their items (such as some random Tusken Raider outfit) up to snuff all the way to level cap, and perhaps beyond. However, in the absence of concrete specifics (such as a detailed write-up/section on the official TOR website), most fans have been divided on how confident they are this system would adequately replace the much desired appearance tab, and this void has obviously left room for a lot of rampant speculation.

Read more of Mike Bitton’s Star Wars: the Old Repubic – Modification Madness
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