Mu Legend has succeeded in grabbing the attention of gamers. Mu Legend was dedicated to be hack-and-slash MMORPG with the previous quarter view. Currently, Mu Legend is increasingly in the focus of the game press, with clearly defined information about the game is nowhere:
A little background on MU Legend, as we all know it is the official follow up of MU Online and is Developed by Webzen Games. MU Legend is described as a 3D MMO/ARPG, hack and slash style game. Rumors about MU Legend appeared as early as 2004, but it wasn’t until G-Star 2011 Expo in Busan that it really made it’s appearance under the name of MU2 (later changed to MU Legend). Are you required cheap Mu Legend Power Leveling?
The Game’s Features And More
A good time killer
The Game doesn’t have much of it’s own personality from the mechanics, to the art, just about everything
Solid, satisfying combat mechanics, in-depth character progression but not very innnovative
MU Legend isn’t really different from any other ARPGs, doesn’t seem pay to win but maybe because that’s because it’s in CBT, decent graphics, decent game
Cutscenes and characters speaking during quests – nice touch, skill are basic, some flashy but don’t do anything special
Finally, I would say that Mu Legend has great potential. The battle is endless, but so are your options for destroying your enemies. It’s up to you, one of the grim warriors of this new world, to use a mix of blades and spells to carve a path through the minions of darkness and prevent total annihilation. In this process, with the help of Mu Legend Zen.