Wins the island war and world PVP is back in WOW v5.1

Pandaria peaceful continent is about to be broken. The war between the Horde and the Alliance finally diffuse to the top of this mysterious and ancient Pandaria mainland. Aegis army garrison, led by the King of Stormwind Varian Jiaerlushi commanding the governing Onslaught invariably choose the Qassam Lang jungle as their landing point and established their own strongholds where Union forces’ positions the lion Port is located in the jungles of eastern Qassam Lang, while tribal the military stronghold governing sentry located the Qassam Lang western jungle.

The 5.1 version of World of Warcraft – Island wins Jones and the main story line starts here. After you have gone through a series of pre-mission landing beaches to help you camp leaders, you will unlock a new daily area, and an epic story line quest chain. Day-to-day tasks of the region have a strong PVP color, each camp should want the party to win the cemetery and tower, in order to protect one’s own territory and to ensure that we can receive the daily tasks. While you are in the process of completion of WOW Gold, the inevitable will commence with the enemy camp and a fight.

Kill the other camp NPC in the task area and the other camp, the players can get the governing the sentry of appointment or Lions Harbour appointment, you can exchange with certificates of appointment to gain one’s own base camp into temporary items. Base in the center of the two sides have their own strange rare camp, the enemy may fall after the other camp, kill epic jewelry and Fight Club invitation.

As always, when you complete each camp day-to-day tasks, you will receive the corresponding prestige, but eventually you will get the item level 496 prestigious awards – rings, shoes, belts and jewelry. And in worship after you reach more can buy reload wyvern or reinstall Griffin.