Wow short story and comic guide updates

For reference purposes, the print material has been grouped with the game and

expansion in which it takes place, making it even easier to get caught up. All works

that take place over multiple points in the timeline have been listed with multiple

entries and notated with mention of where they appear. At the moment, we’re all

caught up through Vol’jin: Shadows of the Horde and the latest WoW short story, The

Blank Scroll. Whether you’re wondering when that book you just read actually took

place, or you’re just wanting to get a start on Azeroth’s lore, the chronological

guide will help you out.
If you’ve wanted to get caught up on the Warcraft print material, but didn’t know

where to start, we have a guide for you — and it’s been caught up to date. WoW

Insider’s Chronological Guide covers all novels, comics, manga and short stories,

but presents them not in publication order, but in the order they appear in the

Warcraft timeline — which means you can start from the beginning of Azeroth’s

history and read your way through the years.

For reference purposes, the print material has been grouped with the game and

expansion in which it takes place, making it even easier to get caught up. All works

that take place over multiple points in the timeline have been listed with multiple

entries and notated with mention of where they appear. At the moment, we’re all

caught up through Vol’jin: Shadows of the Horde and the latest WoW short story, The

Blank Scroll. Whether you’re wondering when that book you just read actually took

place, or you’re just wanting to get a start on Azeroth’s lore, the chronological

guide will help you out.

If you’ve wanted to get caught up on the Warcraft print material, but didn’t know

where to start, we have a guide for you — and it’s been caught up to date. WoW

Insider’s Chronological Guide covers all novels, comics, manga and short stories,

but presents them not in publication order, but in the order they appear in the

Warcraft timeline — which means you can start from the beginning of Azeroth’s

history and read your way through the years.