WoW developer Mark Kern wonders

The easier content, he argues, means both developers and players focus less on the

content in the middle of the game and more on racing to get to the end game — and by

rushing through the game from level 1 to level 90, you miss out on a lot of the game

itself. Of course Kern notes that his upcoming MMO has the mix just right — and that

by focusing on the journey instead of the destination, Firefall is a lot more fun.
wow photo: troll shaman kirinyaatspiritrock.jpg
Mark Kern, who left Blizzard way back in 2005 to found Red 5 Studios, is working on a

new free to play, sci-fi MMO called Firefall — and has some less than flattering

things to say about the game WoW has become. His top complaint: that MMOs are now too

easy. “When was the last time you died in a starter zone?” Kern muses. “Sometimes

I look at WoW and think ‘what have we done?’ I think I know. I think we killed a


The easier content, he argues, means both developers and players focus less on the

content in the middle of the game and more on racing to get to the end game — and by

rushing through the game from level 1 to level 90, you miss out on a lot of the game

itself. Of course Kern notes that his upcoming MMO has the mix just right — and that

by focusing on the journey instead of the destination, Firefall is a lot more fun.

Mark Kern, who left Blizzard way back in 2005 to found Red 5 Studios, is working on a

new free to play, sci-fi MMO called Firefall — and has some less than flattering

things to say about the game WoW has become. His top complaint: that MMOs are now too

easy. “When was the last time you died in a starter zone?” Kern muses. “Sometimes

I look at WoW and think ‘what have we done?’ I think I know. I think we killed a
