With a couple of weeks left before the new league starts, and people already getting into that in-between-leagues mode especially with the flashback event hype winding down, it might be nice to revisit and rediscover some possible aspects to the game that some might be ignoring without realizing how helpful or profitable they could be. Do you want to poe buy currency? If you do, you can visit U4GM to have more guides and methods about this.
Not to point out any specific drop, but the Poe Trade macro downright tripled my usual profits last league. The ease of quickly pricechecking uniques and rares, and more importantly, the knowledge gained on what makes an item valuable, was immensely helpful.
Here are some of the more popular or promising ones:
Filterblade / Neversink’s Item Filter
- Highly customizable, extremely detailed/thorough and incredibly well-designed loot filter that is able to efficiently distinguish and highlight item drops with amazing accuracy.
- Quite possibly the best and most essential PoE tool out there.
POE Trade Macro
- Requires AutoHotkey
- Lets you see item info and search prices in different modes from inside the game with simple keyboard commands
Path of Building
- An offline build planner. Very powerful, lots of info, but can be overwhelming.
- Some people use it to plan and theorycraft builds from scratch I guess; but personally, my most helpful use-case for it is when I import my character into it and tweak stuff with all my character’s data already there to decide how to further develop the character I’m already playing.
Mercury Trade
- Requires Java
- Provides a graphical interface/overlay in the game to facilitate trades with other players seamlessly. Almost all commands (aside from actually transferring items) are handled by a mouse click.
- Item highlighting – you can do some very basic setup so that once you are contacted by a buyer, you can just mouse over a popup on the overlay to highlight where the item is in your stash tab.
- Chat scanning – you can setup the chat scanner to display a popup when it finds certain keywords. useful for example when you need specific uber trials and you don’t want to constantly keep your eye on global 820 or trade 820. sample of what it looks like: screenshot.
poe.trade & the official PoE Trade Search
- The de facto item search tools. extremely powerful.
- League economy information.
- Also has a very informative builds page where you can filter through the top players in the current league and narrow down information by ascendancy, what skills are used, what uniques are used, what Keystones are taken, and my personal favorite: The passive tree heatmap to show you the most common skill pathing used for whatever character build you filter.