In Path of Exile 3.3, I hope that GGG will save some skills that includes Rejuvenation Totem, Frost Wall, Devouring Totem, Vigilant Strike and Puncture don’t really serve much purpose.
These could be really cool support skills if they had some mechanics changes to them. Frost Wall especially was a very cool support skill that was used as far back as pre 1.0 for very hard encounters and was very tactical and is now in such a sad state nobody uses it for any reason.
I would love to see Rejuvenation Totem have more effects or options or ways to progress it – something. People complain about supports in PoE but I think this skill could make playing support a little more interesting.
One collector of poe orbs cheap think that Frost Wall is great in a CWDT setup for wanding and some spellcasting. It’s definitely more of a leveling skill, but he have taken it in mapping (he think he even did CWDT-IC-FW-Phase Run once for a Ranged Attack Totem Scion). It’s sorta like how Cast on Death-Portal is awesome for leveling and then you make space for something else.
And some players think that Frost Wall is niche useful and is probably dramatically underused by projectile builds. Rejuvenation Totem and Devouring Totem probably just need numerical buffs. The mechanics are fine. Devouring is much better than before now that Unearth and Desecrate are actually working well for corpse generation.
They also said that Vigilant Strike is a candidate to be redesigned for viability as a main skill, but it currently niche useful for certain types of builds.
They think that Puncture is fine already. Just because it’s off-meta doesn’t mean it’s bad. Barrage is probably still better as a single target for bow builds though. Barrage is OP because of how many ways of getting additional arrows exist in the game now. Puncture could be buffed entirely through itemization (better global phys/ailment scaling). Doesn’t need a redesign. What’s your opinion?