Up to now, for MU Legend Open Beta Test, it has already began for a while. You will learn about the system of artifacts that will become available to you when you reach level 65. After reaching level 65 of the character, you will definitely be directed to perform a learning quest for artifacts. Artefact is a special crystal inserted into a special slot and possessing a special property.Artifacts have levels and experience for these levels can be obtained in a special dungeon called Lupa’s Labyrinth. Artifacts have certain properties that increase, for example, attack or increase the chance of a critical attack. The property depends on the type of essence from which the Artifact is made. And for those who went to conquer the world of MU Legend, we continue to publish more news that will help you in learning the game, source from here.
In MU Legend, you will come across many kinds of dungeons, each designed to perform a variety of tasks, and you will be able to go through the Standard Dungeons that you’ll get through the quests while you rock and study the game’s history. In addition to this game’s open beta test, and you will learn about the “Raid to the Bosses” test, which takes place after the end of the Rift overdrive mode, learn skills from classes such as Dark Lord, Whisperer and Blader.
Class Dark Lord
Class Blader
Class Whisperer
Boss Raids – Raids On The Bosses
To welcome all the guids, comments, role-playing stories and much more, U4GM has opened the much-anticipated website: https://www.u4gm.com/mu-legend/mu-legend-zen. Among these are those of the Rift, the guild system and the infinite tower, all of them essential pieces of knowledge of MU Legend.