Madden NFL 18 – Coins Farming In Madden Ultimate Team

As Madden NFL 18 is the best selling sports video game this August, the value of its in-game currency has grown in popularity. In Madden NFL 18 Ultimate Team, coins are the currency using which you cannot only bid on items on the auction block, but also get new players for your team. As a general rule of thumb, having a high coin count is very significant.


Since coins are hard to come by, here are some ways through which you can earn some extra coins to keep your affairs smooth. Let’s check out below.

MUT in Madden NFL 18 gives you rewards for playing games and you need to seek this opportunity to earn some extra coins. When starting out, don’t forget to give the solo challenges a go! These simple challenges are against CPU controlled opponents and are pretty easy to win.

In MUT mode, one of the best ways to earn some decent rewards is by completing collections/sets. Although the rewards within these sets differ depending upon the size and difficulty, but you’ll most certainly receive extra coins most of the times.

Another best way to earn additional coins is by checking the market on the weekends. By doing so, you’ll find some great deals on players which you could use for your own team or sell them when their demand elevates.

In Madden Ultimate Team, there are a total of four kinds of badges – Elite, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. These earned badges can be traded, bought, and sold on the Auction House to earn some extra bit of coins. However, do note that these badges also give you premium rewards so always think twice before selling them.

Tired of grinding matches and challenges for coins? If the answers is yes, then Madden-Store is here to help! Here in our marketplace you can buy all the coins you need. And thanks to our player-to-player market, you can get cheap Madden 18 coins for sale quickly, easily and safely!