What Are the Interesting New Skills In Madden 18

With the release date of Madden 18 is approaching, more and more Madden 18 news were revealed recently, and we could know a lot Madden 18 information from the news, including the new play mode, new skills, and more details about Madden 18, today I will introduce some interesting Madden 18 skills.

Madden 18 brings a fun new legendary skill, reminiscent of the NFL fever day. So far, I have been unable to complete the pass.


So how does it work here: you keep L2 / LT, a small indicator pops up near your main receiver. You will move the indicator, your QB will throw the target and let you lead them in any area you want. But this is caught: QB in this case can not move, so activating it is a huge risk.

The results when I activated it: Sack, sack, sack, interception, interception, interception. Though it is dull, but it will increase the win chance in game, or you can build the best team with the best player cards, which will achieve to the same purpose.

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