The Warden Class Come To Play With The ESO: Morrowind Expansion

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind, the next big expansion of Bethesda’s hit MMORPG, is just around the corner and is still preparing its arrival with new information through videos. If only a few days ago we were introduced to the political life of Vvardenfell, today it is the turn of the Wardens, the new class that comes to play with this expansion.

As you can see in the video below, Naryu Virian, one of the most famous and beloved characters of Morrowind, is responsible for revealing some of the secrets of these new characters. In this new trailer, we briefly summarize the main abilities of the Wardens, who, as you can see, are able to cope with ice magic, invoke animals or manipulate nature in their favor.

We remind you that The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind will arrive on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as a standalone DLC (does not require the base game) next June 6th. We have already been able to get to know you first hand and we will tell you our impressions here with this great expansion of the Bethesda MMORPG.