Explore New Lands And FFXIV Mainly Features

Final Fantasy XIV, A Realm Reborn offers a exhilarating adventure for gamers around the world, just like epic quests and battle with familiar Final Fantasy monsters, due to they are try to work together to help forge the fate of Eorzea. Embarking on the adventure of a lifetime, exploring a land embraced by Gods, saving the realm of Eorzea.


Final Fantasy XIV Features And Key Content

exhilarating public battles—designed to bring players together
A breathtaking musical score that accompanies your adventures and changes
Robust and varied gameplay—such as Free Companies, story-focused missions
A flexible class system that allows players to change roles on the fly, simply by changing their equipped weapon or tool
All the hallmarks of the FINAL FANTASY franchise, including an engaging storyline, genre-leading graphics, and majestic music.

Explore vast, new lands, and challenge new Primal threats across Eorzea as you embark on hundreds of new quests as the Warrior of Light! There is no better time to buy cheapest Final Fantasy XIV Gil in ffxiv4gil.com, right now you can act out!

New dungeons
New areas to explore
A new primal – Lakshmi
New jobs, including red mage
The Forbidden Land of Eureka
New gear and crafting recipes
New alliance raid “Return to Ivalice”
Level cap increased from 60 to 70
New exploration with swimming and diving
New High-level Raid “The Bend of Time – Omega”
A fourth residential district Expanded item inventory and changes to the battle system