FIFA 15 Defending First

According to NPD sales data received today,the top selling game of 2014 was fifa15. Sales included physical retail numbers across all platforms, including PC. Overall annual video game sales totalled at $13.10 billion, up from 2013’s total of $12.94 billion. This marks a one percent increase in physical retail sales.2614175-trailer_fifa15_ac_20140731

The top ten games sold for last year is listed below. Note that the figures only represent physical retail, and do not account for digital or pre-owned game sales, nor does it account for games that were sold in a bundle with games of 2014

FIFA 15 (360, PS4, XBO, PS3, Wii, 3DS, PSV)
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (360, XBO, PS4, PS3, PC)
Madden NFL 15 (360, PS4, XBO, PS3)
Grand Theft Auto V (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3)
Destiny (XBO, PS4, 360, PS3)
Call Of Duty: Ghosts (360, PS3, XBO, PS4, NWU, PC)
Minecraft (360, PS3, XBO, PS4)
Super Smash Bros. (3DS, NWU)
NBA 2K15 (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3, PC)
Watch Dogs (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3, PC, NWU)