Guide: How To Build Your Ultimate Team In FIFA 15

Get the most from EA Sports’ FIFA 15 with our complete guide.FIFA 15 is the latest in EA Sports’ super football series, a game which brings major changes to Ultimate Team and the way the game is played in general.

Exclusive FIFA 15 Guide For The Ultimate Team

Make sure you’re getting all the help you need with our FIFA 15 tips and tactics.

Creating the Ultimate Team

FIFA’s biggest and most popular mode has already seen some major changes this year, with EA Sports getting serious about clamping down on coin-trading and exchanging players.

Exclusive FIFA 15 Guide For The Ultimate Team

But the game itself has also undergone a major overhaul. If you’re new to Ultimate Team, you’ll need to check out our guide to the basics of of FUT’s mechanics, and don’t forget to read up on how to build your team. Individual work-rates and tactical commands are key to success this year, and you shouldn’t be ignoring those bronze and silver cards.

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team guide

The basics
Building your team
How to build a cheap squad
How to build the best hybrid squad in Ultimate Team
This year’s changes and how they affect your game

Whether you’re playing FIFA 15 Ultimate Team or any of the other modes in this year’s update, there’s a bunch you need to know about how play itself has changed.

Acceleration has become more important this year, and FIFA 15′s aerial game has been significantly balanced after FIFA 14′s laser-guided headers created so much controversy last year.

If you don’t want to be left behind. Read more detailed tips or guides at: UTfifa15coins.