The update to take part in Apple promotion in FIFA15


Do you know the update in FIFA15 ?FIFA 15 on iOS has had an update, to take part in the current (RED) Apple promotion for Aids. The update includes an exclusive pack, the proceeds of which will all be contributed to Apple’s appeal, and a limited time tournament with TOTW Marquez as a prize. The pack is a hefty 50k, 12 Players, all rare golds.

This is an iOS promotion, so the Android version of the game has not been updated. If you haven’t downloaded the game yet, you can find it on the app store.By the way,don’t forget to prepare enough fifa15 coins.

Here are some comments from users:

Tournament itself is a piss take i always lose having 10-20 shots a game and the CPU has 1 and they win either way i just picked it the IF up for 2k

It is actually not an inform; it just appears next to your rare-gold 80 rated players in your club and not next to your informs.I hope this info helps

i found my Marquez IF as a new item on the Transfer market section, takes some time to appear, and some people are selling him under 6000 coins

That stupid tutorial screen on the transfer market that keeps showing, and why they change the buttons order? its stupid and annoying! thats not the
why to ask me to help people

Except the tournament is broken and you do not actually receive the IF Marquez which is supposed to be the prize. One good thing is the 50k packs are only 500 FIFA points and not 1000 as they usually are.