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Recently on the Runescape official forum, there is a vote created by Mod PI. Would you like to make a return for the Wildywyrm? The Jagex Mod is bringing it back as a slayer task. Before it is back, can you do them a favor to clarify a few things.

Firstly, what Slayer level do you think the wildwyrm should require? 85, 93, or 95? While most strykewyrms don’t have a 100% drop they’d like to keep the wildwyrm a goo source of profit. To do this they want to introduce Corrupted Ashes, they would be your ash equivalent of frost dragon bones give approximately 160xp each. What type of ashes should the wildywyrm drop? Corrupt ashes, infernal ashes or no ashes?

In addition, they would like to give the wildywyrm a couple of nice rare drops too, namely level 85 weapon. Both are task only.

1. A level 85 whip. The wildywyrm will drop a whip attachment and whips will be needed to charge it up. Over time the attachment will corrupt the whips completely and you’ll be left with the attachment. Vine whips will count double towards recharging. The whip will also have a special attack, this is up for discussion in this thread but this the current design: the special attack will take 60% special. It will work from range. It will fire a firey tornado at the target binding them in place and applying a DoT attack. If used at range the bind will last 1.8 seconds. If used at melee distance the bind will last 3.6 seconds.

Should the wildywyrm drop a level 85 whip? Yes or No.

2. A level 85 staff. The wildywyrm will drop a corruption stone. A staff of light can be used on this and the stone will corrupt the staff of light into a staff of darkness. It will have the same passive as the staff of light. The special attack will take 100% special. The Staff of light special and the staff of darkness special will now work against all styles. The staff of darkness special will reduce damage by 25% and reflect 25% of damage for sixty seconds.

Should the wildywyrm drop a level 85 staff? Yes or No.

If you have your own ideas, you can head to the official forum to vote. It is still available.

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