FFXIV – Guide for Faster Leveling

Weaving is a rewarding Disciple of the Hand, but mass-crafting can be a slow and painful process. Repeatable tradecraft leves can make that process much less of a pain, if you are willing to meet the challenges they require.

If this is your first time really diving head first into repeatable leves in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, be sure to check out my primary Repeatable Tradecraft Leves Guide to get started in the right direction and learn just why this leveling method is recommended.

The item amounts listed here are the initial order number. You must make and turn in three times the listed amount, and ensure each given item is of high quality to get the most experience possible. High quality turn-ins are not mandatory, but they significantly increase the amount of XP you receive from these leves.

The listed experience amounts are the bare minimum. Multiple high quality turn-ins will result in much more XP.

Level 20

Ul’dah – Hitting Below the Belt (5427 XP)
Requires: 3 Cotton Breeches of Crafting
Cotton Breeches of Crafting components:
                 1 Lightning Shard
                 1 Wind Shard
                 1 Leather
                 2 Undyed Cotton Cloth
                 1 Cotton yarn

Quarrymill – The Telltale Tress (5427 XP)
Requires: 3 Cotton Coif of Gathering
Cotton Coif of Gathering components:
                 1 Lightning Shard
                 1 Wind Shard
                 1 Undyed Cotton Cloth
                 1 Hard Leather
                 1 Cotton Yarn

Level 25

Ul’dah – He’s Got Legs (11115 XP)
Requires: 3 Velveteen Sarouel
Velveteen Sarouel components:
                 2 Lightning Shard
                 2 Wind Shard
                 1 Undyed Velveteen
                 1 Dew Thread
                 1 Aldgoat Leather
                 1 Beast Sinew

Quarrymill – Bet You Anything (11115 XP)
Requires: 3 Velveteen Sarouel of Gathering
Velveteen Sarouel of Gathering components:
                 2 Lightning Shard
                 2 Wind Shard
                 1 Aldgoat Leather
                 1 Beast Sinew
                 1 Undyed Velveteen
                 1 Dew Thread

Level 30

Ul’dah – Our Man in Ul’dah (17670 XP)
Requires: 3 Velveteen Work Gloves
Velveteen Work Gloves components:
                 3 Lightning Shard
                 3 Wind Shard
                 2 Undyed Velveteen
                 1 Dew Thread
                 1 Cotton Boll

Costa del Sol – Walk Softly and Carry a Big Halberd (17670 XP)
Requires: 3 Velveteen Dress Shoes
Velveteen Dress Shoes components:
                 3 Lightning Shard
                 3 Wind Shard
                 2 Undyed Velveteen
                 1 Dew Thread
                 1 Rubber

Level 35

Ul’dah – Crunching the Numbers (23940 XP)
Requires: 3 Linen Hat
Linen Hat components:
                 4 Lightning Shard
                 3 Wind Shard
                 2 Undyed Linen
                 1 Linen Yarn
                 1 Crow Feather

Coerthas (Observatorium) – A Leg Up on the Cold (23940 XP)
Requires: 3 Linen Tights
Linen Tights components:
                 4 Lightning Shard
                 3 Wind Shard
                 2 Undyed Linen
                 1 Linen Yarn

Level 40

Ul’dah – Party Animals (32049 XP)
Requires: 3 Linen Deerstalker
Linen Deerstalker components:
                 5 Lightning Shard
                 4 Wind Shard
                 1 Undyed Linen
                 1 Undyed Velveteen
                 2 Linen Yarn

Coerthas – A Matter of Import (32049 XP)
Requires: 3 Woolen Hat
Woolen Hat components:
                 5 Lightning Shard
                 4 Wind Shard
                 2 Undyed Woolen Cloth
                 1 Dodo Feather
                 1 Woolen Yarn

Level 45

Ul’dah – Seeing It Through to the End (39087 XP)
Requires: 3 Woolen Smock
Woolen Smock components:
                 5 Wind Shard
                 5 Lightning Shard
                 1 Undyed Linen
                 2 Undyed Woolen Cloth
                 1 Woolen Yarn
                 1 Lanolin

Mor Dhona – Bundle Up, It’s Odd Out There (39087 XP)
Requires: 3 Woolen Deerstalker
Woolen Deerstalker components:
                 5 Lightning Shard
                 5 Wind Shard
                 2 Undyed Woolen Cloth
                 2 Woolen Yarn