You Can Open and Close Your Helmet’s Visor into Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

FFXIV Headgear1 670x251 You Can Open and Close Your Helmet’s Visor into Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm RebornI have a rather big pet peeve in MMORPGs: I normally like how my character looks while wearing a helmet, but I also like to see his face. This normally brings me to do some rather awkward juggling with the “hide headgear” option, that not only is time consuming, but isn’t too realistic as well (helmets normally don’t disappear into thin air).The original helmet of the artifact armor for warriors in Final Fantasy XIV had its visor stuck in the raised position. Many warrior players (me included) pleaded with the development team to get a way to lower that visor in order make it look more imposing. Naoki Yoshida and his brave companions caved and implemented that option, then thought “why don’t we just let them do it with other helmets as well?”

And that’s exactly what they did, and today they officially announced the result: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will come with an emote (and an additional /visor chat command) that will let you raise and drop the visor of select helmet in the game. They also released screenshots that you can see above and below, illustrating how it’ll work. The feature will be introduced as early as the open beta.

I know, many will feel that it’s a small detail, but for roleplayers like me it’s quite the big deal. Come on, just how cool is that?

FFXIV Headgear2 670x251 You Can Open and Close Your Helmet’s Visor into Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

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