World of Warcraft The Druid

In cat form, a druid is nearly as effective as a rogue at rapidly dealing melee DPS. The advantage to a druid, however, is that afterward you can simply pop back into caster form, fire off a couple HOTs on yourself, then shift back into cat, stealth, and go right on killing. Add in the fact that as a druid you also have the ability to buff your own stats and throw up a damage shield, and you’re pretty much an unstoppable killing machine.
Best World of Warcraft Solo Classes: The Druid
Druids are an amazing solo class because of their ability to adapt to any situation. A druid is a rogue, tank, and a healer all rolled into one.

In cat form, a druid is nearly as effective as a rogue at rapidly dealing melee DPS. The advantage to a druid, however, is that afterward you can simply pop back into caster form, fire off a couple HOTs on yourself, then shift back into cat, stealth, and go right on killing. Add in the fact that as a druid you also have the ability to buff your own stats and throw up a damage shield, and you’re pretty much an unstoppable killing machine.

The survivability of a druid is amazing, as well. Accidentally pull more mobs than you intended? Simply shift into bear form and tank them nearly as well as a warrior, only with the option of quickly shifting form and healing yourself. If you’re still in over your head, you can always shift into cat form and sprint away.

Feral spec is the way to go for soloing, though with the recent addition of dual specializations to World of Warcraft, you can always maintain a secondary resto spec for healing duties.