Wow The Hozen

The Hozen
wow hozen race
As I said above in the Jinyu section, the Hozen were the race that the Horde interacted with on Pandaria. These monkeys are very personable and with the Forest Hozen befriending the Horde, this seems like a good fit. Besides, the Hozen are hilarious and would prove to be even more comic relief aside the Goblins.

While you’re busy storming Lei Shen’s Isle of Thunder, getting better at your spec, or lagging out while hundreds of people attempt Oondasta, some World of Warcraft players are looking towards the future. Following the usual trend, we should be getting the announcement of a brand new expansion pack at Blizzcon this year. That means it’s time for speculation! Where will we go? Who will we fight? Will there be a new class? How about some races?

Yes, how about some races? There are plenty that make sense to add to both Alliance and Horde in terms of the on-going story. Today we have ten new World of Warcraft races listed that should be added to either one of the factions or be made a neutral selection, ala Pandaren.

Even though they can be funny, the Hozen are still ruthless creatures. They follow orders to a ‘T’ and can be vicious. Under the leadership of a single warrior and partnered up with the rest of the Horde would put the Hozen in a good place to become extremely feared.