Cooking: There are now multiple different cooking specializations; steaming, frying,
broiling. Each is related to one of the primary stats, like Agility. Dedicated
players can learn all specializations for additional achievements. When you level one
of the specializations to 600, you are able to make all of the feasts.
The NDA on the Mists of Pandaria press tour is finally lifted so you could read a
tons of information in the last two days. Unfortunately, only a few professions were
covered in the interviews.
One change which is not really profession related is the AoE looting, I’m really
excited about this because it will make farming cloths in instances a lot easier.
UPDATE: You can see the AoE looting in action. It’s awesome.
General Changes
New Glyphs
Here’s a list of some of the new glyphs:
Minor glyph that gives Eye of Kilrogg the ability to place your Demonic Circle at the
cost of stealth.
Minor glyph that gives felguard with a random two-handed sword, two-handed axe, or
polearm when you summon him.
A new minor glyph that allow druids to have a random coloring in cat and bear form
has been added.
A new minor glyph that allow druids to stay in tree form has been added.
A new minor glyph that changes a druid’s aquatic form into a Orca has been added.
A new minor glyph that changes a druid’s travel form into a white stag has been
added. Other players can ride you while in this form.
A new minor glyph that changes a druid’s moonkin form into a moonkin spirit has been
Archaeology: There will be many new artifacts to discover in Pandaria, and the new
Lorewalker faction will allow you to learn about the Pandaren’s culture in-depth–
should make Archaeology feel like less of an impersonal grind. Players will present
an artifact to the Lorewalkers in their grand library, and they’ll be treated to a
presentation on the library’s stage. As for the existing races and artifacts, there
are plans to tie the Lorewalkers into discovering these artifacts as well.
Inscription: The Prime Glyph category is now removed. There will be more of an
emphasis on cosmetic glyphs in the minor slots. Inscription may get something new,
like a staff that you upgrade as you level inscription. This will combat the fatigue
that comes from creating hundreds of glyphs to level.
The Tillers faction will let you run your own farm! The farmer’s market will provide
daily quest to improve your farm every day, you will be able to clear plots of land
and plant things like cooking ingredients, herbalism nodes, gifts for NPCs to build
your reputation… etc.