The patch notes for the patch 5.3 PTR have received a small update today on the official blog. Included are some adjustments to Pet Battles and PvP, as well as some really interesting changes for healing abilities and summoned pets/totems. Faster casting for summoned pets? Yes please. Buy cheap wow gold at fastest delivery. Our mission is simple: to make our customers fully satisfied with our best service. Buy warcraft gold to fully enjoy the game.
Gargoyles, Forces of Nature, Mirror Images, Water Elementals, Searing Totems, Doomguards, Terrorguards and Wild Imps all will now chain cast their spells with no delay between casts.
Creatures that are level 90 and above should now have a chance to drop Lesser Charms of Good Fortune, in case you weren’t getting enough of the things elsewhere.
Owners of the Teldrassil Sproutling, Ruby Sproutling or Withers will note that the Shell Shield ability for these pets has been replaced with a new ability: Ironbark. It’s very successful.
You can see the full list of patch notes at the official site, but if you’d just like a list of the new changes, follow after the break for a consolidated list.
Healing abilities and spells which automatically pick targets now follow consistent rules for targeting logic. Targets with lower % health will be preferred, and players are weighted more heavily than pets.
Players with full health no longer count towards the cap for area-of-effect healing abilities and spells.
The following summoned pets/totems will now chain cast their spells with no delay between casts, allowing them to cast their spells more frequently in the same amount of time.
Death Knight
Sudden Doom now requires the Death Knight to be in Unholy Presence to activate the effect that causes Death Coil to cost no Runic Power.
Item Sets
PvP 2-piece set bonus has been redesigned. Using Arcane Shot now causes the Hunter’s PvP Power to increase by 800 for 6 seconds.
Shuriken Toss now deals 100% more damage in the initial ranged attack, and energy cost has been increased to 40 energy, up from 20.
New Glyph: Glyph of Lightning Shield causes Lightning Shield to reduce the amount of damage taken by 10% for 6 seconds after Lightning Shield is triggered.
Demonic Gateway cast time has been reduced to 4 seconds, down from 5 seconds, and can now be attacked and killed by enemy players. Each gateway has 50% of the summoning Warlock’s health, and 100% of their resilience.
Creatures that are Level-90 and above now have a chance to drop Lesser Charms of Good Fortune.
Rare spawns in Pandaria (except Zandalari Warscouts, and Zandalari Warbringers) and bosses in Battlefield: Barrens will now always drop Lesser Charms of Good Fortune.
Pet Battles
Bonus damage has been added to many basic abilities, at the cost of slightly reduced accuracy. Check out Pet Battle Accuracy Changes in Patch 5.3 for additional details.
Black Claw now deals 20% less damage.
Hunting Party now has an increased cooldown of 4 rounds, up from 3 rounds.
Teldrassil Sproutling, Withers, and Ruby Sapling’s Shell Shield has been replaced with a new ability: Ironbark.
All Pet Battle daily quests on Pandaria, Beasts of Fable and Spirit Tamer quests will now award experience, valor, and Lesser Charms of Good Fortune.
All Pet Battle quests will now award experience.
Battle Fatigue now reduces the amount of healing and absorbs by 45%, up from 30%.
PvP Power bonus to healing is now based on class and specialization.
Healing specializations receive a 100% bonus to healing from PvP Power.
Damage specializations for Druids, Monks, Paladins, and Shamans receive a 70% bonus to healing from PvP Power.
All other specializations and classes (including tanking) receive a 40% bonus to healing from PvP Power.
Two new purchasable items using Elder Charms of Good Fortune have been added to the quartermasters on the Isle of Thunder.
An Empty Supply Crate that can be placed and jumped on in the Troves of the Thunder King.
Excess Elder Charms of Good Fortune can be used to purchase an Arcane Trove/Sunreaver Bounty.