Team players can looking for his teammates by phone APP software

Also in the team for the copy of the difficult and feel worry with Guild wars 2 Gold? Also silly stood in a copy of the door Shouting 4 = 1 to a treatment? These are out of date, the Guild Wars 2 “third party sites in Gw2lfg has just launched a new” looking for group “(LFG for Guild Wars 2) App application software (price 6 yuan), through the software you can easily set to you want team, the application has been in iTunes shelf, we can use at any time to download. At the same time the software also has two versions, can go to the market could use of the download.
Through this kind of App application software, you can make a clear view to the current information, as well as other teams in the team left several position. At the same time, the software also can be cross-realm group inquires the, but need to pay attention to, the clothing and clothing are unable to cross suit group.