Thank You

A little history
The Gold Queen blog was started in late 2010 in response to guild members and then other players on my server asking for help with making gold.
Whilst I was happy to share what I had learned so far, it began to take more and more of my time to explain and encourage and give inspiration as I wanted.
It’s far more important to me to give out knowledge and the benefit of my experience, than to give out actual gold coins.
“Gold coins can be spent, but wisdom endures forever.”
The Gold Queen
When thinking of what name to give to the website, my son kept gleefully shouting “you’re the queen of gold mummy, you have to call it that!” and so I did as I was told. Despite the arrogant-sounding name, I think I am a modest person. I’m just proud of being able to share what I know.
I have found that sharing what I know about making world of warcraft gold has helped me learn even more.
Thank you to my competitors on the servers, to the other gold makers, the wannabes and the guildies. You inspired this!

Back to the Present
In July 2011 I made a leap of faith and stopped signing for welfare/benefits from the UK government. As a single mother, I needed a career that was flexible enough to fit around caring for two children, one with Aspergers, and always be available for them at home. I work on the blog, twitter, facebook and email when they are at school, and when they’re in bed.
I am so lucky to be able to share my knowledge with you, and to be able to look after my family, and to have such a flexible working schedule. I currently make around 10c an hour, lol, but what’s important is that I make *something* and that I love what I do.
“What is essential is invisible to the eye”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Thank you to every reader who has come here, whether you have left a comment, or not.
Thank you especially to the supporters of “white ribbon” because you helped me personally at a hard time.
Thank you to my “competitor” bloggers, because you’re an inspiration to me.
Thank you to my fans on facebook, thank you to my followers on twitter.
You inspire me to create better things for you in the future.
Thank you

Looking to the Future
I am still “on blog vacation” until the mid/end of June. I need to take 2-3 weeks out of blogging in order to focus on my big project. Whilst I’ve been doing this in my “spare time” for the past 18 months, I’m now heading for the big push towards completion. Yeah, its something that will benefit you, but I’m not ready to share a half-completed idea with you, yet! I’ve been recording a development diary along the way, so if you’d like to have a peep at that, just email me through the contact form.
“Remember, nothing is easy. But who wants nothing?”
D Trump
For the blog, my next post will be on Undercutting and Dealing with Problems. It will be in mid-late June. I’ll still be researching Mists of Pandaria news in the meantime and if anything pops up, I’ll let you know with an interim post.
The Gold Queen is changing slowly towards what you want it to be, because I’m listening to your queries and your worries, and trying to make their solutions the focus of the blog.
For example, I was unhappy that answering emails was so slow and time-consuming. That’s why I’m delighted to welcome aboard a new member of staff, and community manager Matojo. She’s been inspiring a few of you with gold making problems to focus on the right solutions. Let’s give her a warm welcome.