Every week, WoW Insider brings you The Art of War(craft), covering battlegrounds and world PvP, and Blood Sport, with the inside line for arena enthusiasts. C. Christian Moore is filling in for Battlemaster Zach Yonzon this week, and does he have a treat for you — rated battleground strategy!
Rated battlegrounds are a very fun subject to theorycraft strategies for; they’re new and interesting. I recorded a rated Eye of the Storm that I originally intended to go with this article, but instead, I’ll be bringing you the written strategy now and video later, complete with Ventrilo recording!
If you need a refresher on Eye of the Storm or you’re new to battlegrounds in general, Zach wrote a great Eye of the Storm primer.
I’ve only played Eye of the Storm three times now in rated battlegrounds, although I’ve been a part of many different strategies from premades in The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King. As far as I know, there are six seven different ways to play the battleground, although they’re lumped into three camps. The three camps are 2v2, 3v1, and 4v0. The numbers are how many towers your team intends on capturing. Each camp (save 4v0) has differing sub-strategies within it.