What’s in a Name?

The Arena.Net blog has been updated with a new post by Content Designer Annie VanderMeer Mitsoda. In the new post, she goes into detail about how the team comes up with names for, well, everything in Tyria. It’s a great behind-the-scenes look at how lore is created for Guild Wars 2.One of the lore elements of the game that I find the most fascinating is the cultural evolution of charr names.We are a specialized, professional and reliable online supplier for guild wars  2 gold selling. We have been supplying fast and cheap guild wars  2  gold to our loyal and reliable customers for 7 years. If you want to buy guild wars  2  gold or get the latest news of cheap guild wars  2  gold, please come here. We provide not only the most

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In the original Guild Wars, the charr were brutish, savage zealots, and their names reflected this, echoing growls and roars – “Maim Deathrain” “Slaug Firehide” “Kaargoth Bloodclaw” and the like. 250 years later, the charr are the most technologically advanced race on Tyria, and their legions (though competitive as always) have fortified themselves into a far more organized and ranked force. Though the classic names are not wholly gone, most charr names have echoed this cultural change, drawing exhaustively from classic Roman influences – and not just classical names, such as Aestiva and Gracchus, but military sources as well! A ballista is a large siege weapon that was used by ancient Roman forces – but it’s also got a fantastic ring for a charr moniker.