To Rename your WoW Character

World of Warcraft (WoW) is an online MMORPG in which players can create and customize characters to interact with one another in a virtual fantasy-themed world. When a character is initially created, the player must choose a name for the character. Over time a player may make enemies in the game, develop a bad reputation during wow powerleveling, or simply desire a fresh start. In these circumstances he can opt to change the name of his character to prevent being identified by players he knows. It costs ten dollars to rename a character.

How to Reopen a Canceled “WoW” Account Subscription and How to Tell If Your “WoW” Character Has the Required Stats for Raids, Select the option for “Manage Account.” You will be prompted to enter your World of Warcraft account name and password. Once you have entered a valid account name and password, you will be allowed access to the account management center; Choose from a complete range of certificates with the strongest SSL Select “Paid Name Change.”This option is located within the “Paid Services” box. Choose the character realm on which the character whose name you wish to change is located. This can be done via a drop-down box. You can only change one character’s name at a time.

Select the appropriate character from the realm list and click the “Change Name” box. Type the new name you want for your character in both the “New Character Name” and “Confirm New Name” boxes. Review the information you provided and confirm that the character, realm, and new name are all correct. Also review the terms and conditions of your paid name change. If all of the information is correct, type “I Agree” into the box provided. Select “Finalize.” This results in your credit card or gift card being charged ten dollars for the name change process. Your character’s name may be changed immediately or the process may take several hours, depending on the queue of users requesting a name change at the same time.