The game will look as good as it possibly can, but the voice-acting will make the most impact. It is costly, but effective and used mostly in other MMOs as for special flavor perhaps, for important quests. One of the questions often asked of BioWare is how difficult the voice-acting and files was to manage, but for a company that’s used to the process, the voice-acting, we are told, is the simplest part of the game. It is scripted first in text of course, but with games like Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect and Dragon Age behind them, piece of cake!
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During the recent Syndcon,’s Carolyn Koh had the opportunity to check in with Bioware devs and Star Wars: THe Old Republic. Carolyn has a full report on what she learned at Syndcon that you won’t want to miss. Read on!
The background of Annihilator: This monster is common in MC. You will see early .It like to attack the main objective. But it is difficult to kill anyone because the attack time of each target is too short. It will static refresh every 150 minutes. This monster can be deported. Background of Glider: This is a very interesting monster and it has a very interesting attack methods. You can see this monster glides very fast. It refreshed every 28 minutes, which belongs to one of the monsters which can fast refresh. You do not know how to stop them refresh. But this monster also can be deported. Annihilator attacks: a simple ordinary attack can cause 600 to 800 damage for the tank. Confusion hatred can attack randomly the members.
Attacks of glider: the basic attack will cause damage for tank. It will select the second target and quickly glide toward the target. It attacks anyone around it and its targets to cause 800-1000 damage. Annihilator strategy: You need to ensure the soldiers continue to attract the hatred .In general, it is seldom run away or attack the caster from time to time. Even if it did so, it will soon lose interest in favor and turn to attacking other people. Glider strategy: You can time the monster, in order to grasp whether they will be refreshed at a location nearby. It is not so bad, because they can be expelled by warlocks. You should spread out to knock down it. There will be very few people died in the battle with it, but consuming Mana.