Want to know how things are going with Star Citizen since Chris Roberts and his team secured over six million in funding via crowd-sourcing? Want to ask him some questions about the game’s design, its offline and MMO features?  Want to just tell him how grateful you are for Wing Commander? Tune in tomorrow on our live-stream at 5pm EST (2pm PST) for all this and more!
Feel free to ask some questions here, and we’ll take some of the best to Chris tomorrow evening!
Chris and our own Garrett Fuller will take your questions and talk about the game tomorrow at 5pm EST on our.
MMORPG.com will be conducting a livestream Q&A for Darkfall: Unholy Wars this month and we want to give you a chance to ask the folks at Aventurine about the game!
If you’ve got a question (or two, or ten!) about Darkfall: Unholy Wars, please drop it in the comments below!
Submitted questions should be short, to the point, and most important of all, civil.
We’ll be collecting questions between now and Monday, November 12 so don’t delay!
UPDATE: All right. Thanks for all your submissions. Unfortunately, the actual interview date has been pushed back and we do not have a new date for you at this time. Stay tuned though, we’ll have an update for you ASAP!
As we move through November, the approach of the latest Guild Wars 2 seasonal event, The Lost Shores, nears. In today’s Guild Wars 2 column, we take examine what’s already known and add a few thoughts of our own. Check it out!
Very little is known about the next large event to hit Guild Wars 2 this month, but let’s go over what we do know. We know the event will be live on the 16th of November, and that it will be a one time event. If you miss this, you missed it. We also know it will open up a new map. This alone is reason to be excited! But what’s the scope of this event? Will it just be a small intro to a new map? ArenaNet is saying that The Lost Shores will be as large, or larger, than the Halloween event that has just passed. With the way they have their live development teams set up, this could be very true. Not only that, but the changes will be more permanent in general.