how looting works in today’s Raid Finder groups


Hey, how about that landslide of Mists of Pandaria information? It has taken a few days, and will probably take a few more, for the nuance of everything to really sink in. One of the topics we’ve been getting lots of questions about is the crazy new loot model we’re introducing in Mists. We’ve answered several related questions in the forums, but thought it might be prudent to just put all the information in one place. I should clarify that the systems we’re introducing are actually pretty simple in practice. I’m only going into a fair amount of detail because those are the kinds of questions we are getting. You don’t have to understand all the particulars to participate, and we’re certain that it will just all make sense once you are experiencing it in-game instead of hearing it described (that whole “show, don’t tell” thing). The game randomly decides which items off of the boss’s loot table drop.

The group rolls Need, Greed, or Pass on each item. If you were raiding with a group of friends, you might discuss who should get each item. Even if you ultimately lost, hopefully you are happy that a friend got an upgrade and that your group as a whole is now a little bit stronger. But if you’re in Raid Finder, you are quite possibly alone with a bunch of strangers. So, if you can Need, you probably do, because there’s no time for discussion, some of the rollers may be AFK, and even if you piss someone off, you aren’t likely to have to pay the social cost of doing so since you’ll never see them again. Here’s how the new Raid Finder system will work in Mists of Pandaria: The wow game automatically decides who won some loot, and gives those players a spec-appropriate item. So, realistically, that’s really all you need to know to understand how it’ll play out in-game. For those looking for more detail, here’s what’s happening behind the scenes:

Each player has a chance to win loot, independent of the other players.