Unruly Forsaken who were between the ages of 12 and 18 before they were reanimated are starting to question their leadership—and now these unteens have made the terrible mistake of gaining the Banshee Queen’s attention!Trouble is festering in the Undercity.
Sylvanas Windrunner, the undisputed ruler of the Undercity, plans a masterstroke of statecraft to quell this rebellion and pacify her people. She demands that three young members of each of the Undercity’s quarters participate in a brutal gladiatorial battle to the death, where only one dead person will survive.
Into this utterly foolproof recipe for continued totalitarianism are flung the contestants of the Mage Quarter: quick-witted, capable, likeable friends Catnip Nebelung and Mason Abernathy, along with resident elevator guard Gorgus the Belly-Maw. The odds are on Gorgus winning—but odds are made to be beaten!
And are 400 pages really enough to describe an arrow’s exit wound?The Anger Gauntlet strives to ask difficult, eternal questions. Is it okay to take someone else’s unlife if it means saving your own? Should we trust our leaders?