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For Mists of Pandaria, the World of Warcraft development team is already hard at work on the first major post-launch…
The dwarves ofIronforgeMountainlived in peace for many long centuries. However, their society grew too large within the confines of their…
The Orgrimmar portal toMountHyjalshould now appear for players who flew directly into Hyjal to start questing wow gold, rather than…
He had lived his life honorably. Yet… could this be some kind of punishment? Even as his mind reached for…
2008 World of Warcraft Arena Tournament Phase 2 Has Begun Phase 2 of the 2008 World of Warcraft Arena…
 Warlock Souls shards in Cataclysm Ideally we design it so that you don’t need a way to get them back…